Observations for Luxembourg



09:35 UTC / Time zone: UTC+1

Metz-Nancy-Lorra / 264 mFlorennes / 299 mHumain / 296 mSaint Hubert / 557 mBuzenol / 324 mLuxembourg / 379 mCharleville-Meziere / 150 mMetz-Nancy-Lorraine / 264 mTrier-Petrisberg / 265 mBuechel / 486 mDeuselbach / 480 mHahn / 498 mIdar-Oberstein / 377 mBerus / 363 mTholey / 396 mSaarbruecken-Ensheim / 320 mSpangdahlem / 365 mSaarbruecken / 320 mHahn / 498 mZweibrucken / 344 mLuxembourg / 379 mBuechel / 486 mRamstein / 238 mFlorennes / 299 m
Observations for Luxembourg
Observations for Luxembourg
Archive (24 hours)

More parameters
Temperature [°C]
Dewpoint [°C]
Humidity [%]
Absolute humidity [g/m3]
Cloud cover [1/8]
Air pressure [hPa]
Windspeed [km/h]
Gust [km/h]
Wind direction

Temperature [°C]
   >= 35
   30 to 34
   25 to 29
   20 to 24
   15 to 19
   10 to 14
   5 to 9
   0 to 4
   -1 to -4
   -5 to -9
   -10 to -14
   -15 to -19
   -20 to -24
   -25 to -29
   <= -30