Current forecast for Libya


Relative Humidity


Garian / 708 mMisrata / 5 mAl-Khums / 28 mAl-Dschauf / 382 mTobruk / 30 mBardiyah / 97 mJalu / 37 mHon / 259 mNalut / 641 mAz-Zawiyya / 23 mZuwara / 4 mZillah / 213 mRas Lanuf / 11 mAdschdabiya / 4 mBanghazi / 14 mAl-Baida / 624 mSirte / 6 mGhadames / 344 mAsh Shwayrif / 346 mAz-Zintan / 715 mBadr / 164 mBani Walid / 249 mAl-Dschaghbub / 6 mSabha / 425 mMurzuq / 450 mUmm Al Aranib / 427 mUbari / 469 mAl Fuqaha / 542 mTazirbu / 257 mWas al Kabir / 414 mBikku Bitti / 452 mAl Birkah / 681 mTripolis / 19 m
Current forecast for Libya

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Current forecast for Libya

• For more details on the weather forecast, please click on a location.

More elements
Temperature Min [°C]
Temperature Max [°C]
Windchill [°C]
Dewpoint Min [°C]
Dewpoint Max [°C]
Air pressure [hPa]
Rel. humidity [%]
Abs. humidity [g/m3]
Rain [Liter/qm]
Cloud cover [1/8]
Windspeed [km/h]
Gust [km/h]
Wind direction

Rel. humidity [%]
   88 to 100
   77 to 87
   66 to 76
   55 to 65
   44 to 54
   33 to 43
   22 to 32
   11 to 21
   0 to 10