Current forecast for Kyrgyzstan


Wind direction


Bischkek / 772 mTokmok / 825 mKarakol / 1759 mNaryn / 2039 mDschalalabat / 779 mOsch / 979 mBatken / 1044 mTalas / 1235 mKysyl-Suu / 1753 mKara-Say / 3344 mKarool-Tebe / 3509 mBalyktschy / 1645 mKyzart / 2233 mChaek / 1674 mAt Bashi / 2055 mTorugart / 3593 mChakir / 2392 mNura Hypa / 2945 mAk Bosogo / 2841 mDaroot-Korgon / 2485 mIsfana / 1310 mKyzyl-Kiya / 1003 mNookat / 1296 mÖsgön / 1025 mAjuu-Tapan / 1943 mKasarman / 1270 mBaetov / 1956 mAragol / 1442 mKashkasu / 2770 mKhaidarkan / 1930 mTscholponata / 1626 mRavat / 1718 mBordaba / 3472 mKaramyk / 2292 mKorgon-Tash / 1747 mEnilcheck / 2495 mToktogul / 989 mKarabalta / 786 mSuusamyr / 2082 mSarybulak / 2261 mBokonbayevo / 1815 mBosogo / 2691 mKochkorka / 2310 mKopuro Bazar / 1950 mKurpsay / 666 mShamaldy-Say / 539 mKyzyl-Adyr / 923 mArkit / 1260 mSheker / 1121 mKanysh-Kiya / 1694 m
Current forecast for Kyrgyzstan

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Current forecast for Kyrgyzstan

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More elements
Temperature Min [°C]
Temperature Max [°C]
Windchill [°C]
Dewpoint Min [°C]
Dewpoint Max [°C]
Air pressure [hPa]
Rel. humidity [%]
Abs. humidity [g/m3]
Rain [Liter/qm]
Cloud cover [1/8]
Windspeed [km/h]
Gust [km/h]
Wind direction

Wind direction

Windspeed [km/h]
   >= 120
   90 to 119
   70 to 89
   50 to 69
   30 to 49
   20 to 29
   < 20