Current forecast for Equatorial Guinea


Temperature Maximum


Bata / 22 mCogo / 22 mDjibloho / 642 mMongomo / 639 mBidhabidjan / 598 mAñisoc / 443 mBindele / 635 mEvinayong / 681 mNiefang / 325 mSan Francisco Javier de Nkué / 383 mMekomeseng / 529 mNsang / 605 mAbeng-Nam / 477 mAconibe / 671 mNsork / 547 mAcurenam / 653 mMidyobo / 461 mDyeng / 168 mMandum / 579 mMbini / 13 mGabo San Juan / 28 mRio Campo / 29 mNvom / 676 mMbam / 615 mAvelengong / 493 mAyacmbong / 256 mMebing / 82 mLuba / 16 mMalabo / 42 m
Current forecast for Equatorial Guinea

• For more details on the weather forecast, please click on a location.

Current forecast for Equatorial Guinea

• For more details on the weather forecast, please click on a location.

More elements
Temperature Min [°C]
Temperature Max [°C]
Windchill [°C]
Dewpoint Min [°C]
Dewpoint Max [°C]
Air pressure [hPa]
Rel. humidity [%]
Abs. humidity [g/m3]
Rain [Liter/qm]
Cloud cover [1/8]
Windspeed [km/h]
Gust [km/h]
Wind direction

Temperature Max [°C]
   >= 35
   30 to 34
   25 to 29
   20 to 24
   15 to 19
   10 to 14
   5 to 9
   0 to 4
   -1 to -4
   -5 to -9
   -10 to -14
   -15 to -19
   -20 to -24
   -25 to -29
   <= -30